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The Gold Rathian is the second strongest Subspecies of the Rathian family and the female counterpart of the Silver Rathalos. Gold Rathians have some of the most sought after parts of all monsters. Their bodies are covered in an exceptionally strong golden shell, making it difficult to attack without the Hunter's weapon bouncing off.

Besides a different physical appearance, Gold Rathians also take different amounts of damage on the various parts of their bodies. For weapons that deal Cutting damage, such as Great Swords, the wings are now the weak spot while for Impact Type weapons like Hammers the head is now an even better spot to attack than on its Green and Pink counterparts.

The Gold Rathian is weakest to the Thunder Element and is, like all Rathians, capable of inflicting the Poison ailment and shooting Fireballs.


  • There are different ways of unlocking Gold Rathian in every specific game.
  • In Monster Hunter Freedom 2, Gold Rathian, along with Silver Rathalos, can be unlocked by killing 100 Flying Wyverns (Bird Wyverns and Piscine do not count).
    • Remobra may or may not count towards that Wyvern total.
  • In Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, players can also unlock the Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos by clearing Nekoht's 8* Quests, or importing a save file of Monster Hunter Freedom 2 with both of the monsters already unlocked.
  • In Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, both Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos can be unlocked by killing 100 Large Monsters.
  • Killing or capturing a Gold Rathian will count on your Guild Card as a regular Rathian Kill/Capture.
    • This was changed in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, as it is considered an individual species.
  • Gold Rathian had changed in MHFU since previous games.
  • For the first time, Gold Rathian required High Grade Earplugs to block her roar.
  • Gold Rathian is able to link its backflip attack to a fireball.
  • If Gold Rathian is knocked off her feet, she can do a surprise backflip while getting up.
  • In MHP3rd, the Gold Rathian's head is no longer a weak point for any form of damage; her back and wings are now her weakest parts.